Core Virtues

Cherishing Youth Day 2024

Written by Thao Anh Nguyen (Class of 2026) and Cherry Ngo (Class of 2024) 
Photos by Mr. Longfan Cai and Ms. Victoria Sheung

The boy’s school put on an inspiring performance that captivated form participants and audience members. Beginning with an energetic dragon dance, shaking the ground with their coordination and enthusiasm, they set a vibrant tone for the morning. Their beautifully orchestrated set of traditional Chinese music filled the room, leaving guests in awe.

The sounds of drums, cymbals and laughter echoes across the dining hall, reverberating with joy and excitement. To say that people were happy to be there is an understatement since students, whether they were from Oak Manor, Potter Valley, Capella or Yokayo, were thrilled to join the 2024 Cherishing Youth Day. 

The event featured booths and performances from instrumental to dancing and singing, immersing the audiences in a mesmerizingly exhilarating space. Yet, the interesting part about this year’s CYD program was: the program was interactive! Instead of watching the performances and the girl school’s senior class play, the students could actively participate and influence the play’s outcome. The interactive nature of the program reflected the event’s theme, Friendship is Power. 

Students shouted out answers in an enthusiastic manner, eager to help the bunny sisters find Teddy Bear’s facial parts. 

As the events unfolded, students joined hands in solidarity, and their bonds transcended school affiliations. Even until the last notes of music fades away, smiles still lingered and echoes of friendships followed students as they exited the dining hall’s doors. Cherishing Youth Day, with the help of IGDVS students, staff, teachers and others, once again left its mark on the minds of the participants as a beautiful childhood memory.